Since I turned 40 a week ago I've been thinking about goals for the coming year. I've made a list of 40 arty goals (as well as another list of personal goals) and I thought I'd post them here so I'm a little bit accountable! They're a mixed bag, some specific, some more loose, but all things I'd love to achieve. I've no idea how many of them I'll succeed in accomplishing but I'm going to give it a damn good try! So, here we go:
1. sell a piece of art
2. produce a zine
3. alter a whole pack of cards
4. make a shrine
5. make and AB for Eleanor
6. learn to solder
7. do The Artist's Way
8. finish Reg AB
9. make Quench AB
10. finish Dashing Away AB
11. submit some art to a magazine
12. make a book from flattened tin cans
13. host a chunky book swap
14. host a mini zine swap
15. write "rules" for my Yahoo group
16. make Artful Zebra rubber stamps
17. make eyes AB
18. visit Tate Modern
19. make four elements decos
20. get to grips with Photoshop
21. visit Leverington Road cemetery
22. start working through Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain again
23. learn more about colour
24. produce a zine for children
25. use fabric/stitching in artwork more
26. make artwork for my Etsy shop
27. make bunting for my art room
28. go to Artfest
29. make more unplanned work ie not for swaps and RRs
30. comment on work on blogs of artists that I admire
31. create art in timed slots
32. experiment with techniques more!
33. try shaving foam marbling
34. make my art room the way I want it to be
35. keep a sketch/ideas book
36. use my Polaroid camera
37. make Secret Garden AB
38. make wooden and metal decos
39. make nan and grandad shrine
40. believe in my creative abilities!