Following on from my previous post I can now tell you all that this afternoon I hit my target of making 20 pieces of artwork from the collection of beach detritus I found on holiday. ;o) The pieces are off being photographed by the lovely
Rob but I'll be able to give you a sneak preview later this week. All the pieces are raw and simple, hopefully allowing the materials to speak for themselves with just a few added words on each by way of a comment on my perception of what we are doing to our oceans.
In the meantime, check out these topical links:
World Beach Project What a great idea! Art everyone can join in with! ;o) In association with the V & A Museum, artist Sue lawty's project is all about making stone patterns on shorelines around the world and sharing the photos online.
Fran Crowe I really admire Fran's work, her 46,000 Challenge is fantastic. Fran spoke at a workshop I attended earlier this year and I found her really inspirational.