Ok, so, here we are looking at the back of the door! Ooh, how exciting I hear you cry! The bookcase came from Ikea's casualty bay and fitted the gap behind the door perfectly. It's way overloaded, of course, and is one of the sections I still need to declutter. Mr S put hooks and a magnetic board on the side to make the most of the space. ;o)
This area is all new! Until Monday it was just a massive heap! The little table was where it is now but was piled SO high it was an amazing feat of engineering! LOL The racking used to be in the room in a different position and has enjoyed a sojourn in the spare bedroom before it's return. The creation of another workspace at the little table means I have more room to have different pieces out on the go and also that I can have arty friends over to play! :oD
This is my main workspace. As the windows of our house are so small it was the only place for me to have my desk really if I wanted any natural light. I love sitting in front of the window listening to the birds and feeling the breeze as I tinker about. ;o)
This is one of the 1960s kitchen larder cupboards that we bought earlier this year. We actually bought one but the owner offered us two smaller ones so we took all three. My in-laws had a very similar one which they used up until they moved house in the early 1990s when, horror of horrors, it went in a skip! I wasn't into vintage at the time, if only I had been! Anyway. it's very roomy and has masses of stuff crammed into it! The heap on the floor is some of the (mostly) metal goods that came from my late FIL's sheds. I want to work on pieces incorporating this stuff so it's out where I can see it and think about potential pieces. The chest of drawers on the right is really quite flimsy and the drawers are groaning somewhat! :oD I think this may be replaced for a stronger beast at some point in the future!
Moving on, we have my two vintage filing cabinets gleaned from Freecycle. Again, very capacious and crammed with all manner of goodies! The map drawers on top of the cabinets were being thrown out at Mr S's workplace so he brought them home for me, knowing how much I'd love them! One of the drawers holds my rubber stamp collection, just! The cupboard on the wall was a car boot find. I think it had a previous life in some sort of medical capacity. It's not very deep but has lots of narrow shelves. I'd like to change the curtains for something a bit jazzier at some point. And there you have it, to the right of this pic we're back to where we started with the door.
It looks fantastic!
Wish we were closer so I could come and play.
Hugs, Alis
Yes, indeed, Alis! The one down side of having so many wonderful online friends is that they're scattered to the four winds and can't all come round at the drop of a hat! If you're ever in this neck of the woods you're more than welcome to come and play! :o)
Maz x
I will definitely hold you to that ;0)
So just remind me where Michael's train set is going again ;o)
Maz x
You mean you haven't made room for the train set, lol???? I had planned to use the attic for my studio but guess what? DH has his computers (yes he has 2 - or is it 3?) up there now plus is organising the spare area for his train set so I've resorted to the dining room!!!
Wish I had half your space, Maz. I adore your studio, love all the different storage cupboards & bookcases & stuff!!!! Have fun :)
Well, it's still all quite fluid, I have homes for most stuff but I still have lots of sorting to do and I know it will all reduce some more so there's hope for the model railway lay out yet! LOL I was in the dining room for some time while waiting for the studio to be finished and it wasn't a pleasant experience so I can empathise with you on that one! Glad you enjoyed the pics, Linda. ;o)
Maz x
wow you have loads of storage there. I'm so envious of anyone who has a whole room for a studio - I have to use my front room and try to keep it vaguely tidy!
Wow I'm jealous- it looks really organised
Don't be fooled, Maria, it's tidy (ish) but not organised! Yet! ;o)
Maz x
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